Chandler’s mission is dedicated to providing excellent customer service, which is why we are offering Electronic Ticketing to help make it easier for customers to do business with us.

  • Minimize paper and lost tickets.
  • Easy to forward to project manager, superintendent, accounting, etc.
  • Accessibility.
  • Saves time.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will Electronic Ticketing be available?

Electronic Ticketing is now available company-wide.

In what markets are Electronic Tickets offered?

Electronic Tickets is being used at all of our locations.

Do I need to sign up or do anything to prepare for Electronic Tickets?

To have a copy of the signed ticket emailed to you after the ticket is signed, you must provide us with an email address for your jobs / projects. To sign up to receive emailed tickets, click here.

How will I receive Electronic Tickets?

Once your email has been confirmed and associated with your account, after each load is completed and the Electronic Ticket is signed and accepted, you will receive an email with a PDF copy of the ticket. To see a sample ticket, click here.

I have large placements, will I get too many emails?

You will get an email for every ticket. A few strategies you could try are: 1) create a new email that only receives your electronic tickets. 2) emails will be sent from webmaster@chandlerconcrete.com with the subject “Automated Chandler Concrete – Ticket”. You can use this information to automatically place the emails to another folder in your mailbox, bypassing your inbox.

This is great, but I like paper?

We understand that not everyone is interested in receiving Electronic Tickets. Our drivers will continue to carry a printed ticket with each load for you to keep. The only change you will see is that you will not sign a paper copy, but rather you will sign the electronic copy for us to keep in our systems.